Sunday, April 3, 2016

1 Year Of Blogging Highlights

Well lets start off by saying hello. How have you all been? Its been a while since I sat down to write a blog post, its actually been just over a month - wow! 

As many of you probably know, it has been exam season and, as June is beginning to come to an end, so many students are skipping around in celebration of exams ending (or you may be crawling from exhaustion). I decided, around the beginning of May, that I wouldnt be blogging as much - so instead of doing 2 posts a week, I only did one. But, as I increased my revision I began finding that I wasnt getting much time to relax and de-stress.  For this reason, I decided to put blogging to the side for a while.
1 Year of Blogging - My Favourite Posts

It may have also seemed that I kind of vanished of the Internet a little. I still read a few blog posts here and there but I really didnt do as much commenting as Id like to. I stopped taking part in blogger chats, because Im a major procrastinator and they would have been too distracting. Yes I still liked instagram photos and favorited tweets, but I wasnt really putting things up myself or having conversations etc, and Im not going to lie but I felt like I was no longer in the blogging community. 

But anyway...

My last exam was on the 19th of June and, as of today, my coursework is finished which means that I have officially finished sixth form. I did think about getting straight back into blogging after my last exam, but I felt like I needed a week were I didnt have anything to do at home (it was very nice, but felt so strange and I felt guilty for just lying there watching netflix). 

But then the other day, I realised the 26th June marks 1 year since my first blog post went up! 1 whole year (Yes technically I didnt blog for a month, but I havent given up). So, to mark one year of blogging, I decided to choose some of my favourite posts that Ive written. I am proud of them all, but these ones are a few that stand out.

Oh Time...

Give A Special Gift

7 Annoying Problems When Wearing Glasses

3 Course Meal For 1 For Under £5

A Little Message | Being The Best At Everything

Vegetable Noodle Soup

Looking through my posts got me thinking, and I decided to pick out a few of my favourites from the blogs I read. So I went through my long list of saved posts on Bloglovin and chose I few that I really enjoyed reading. I decided not to include any recipes otherwise the list would be very, very long.

25 Things All Girls Secretly Do - Hannah Gale

Six Ways To Love Your Body More - Hayley-Eszti

7 Things To Remember When People Knock You Down - Britton Loves

Behind The Scenes Of An Introvert - Wander To Wonder

5 Secrets To Success - A Beautiful Mess

My Acne Story - Alicia Deyes Writes

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