Wednesday, April 13, 2016

DIY Wallpaper Folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

So it seems its already the start of back to school season, when all the shops are stocked up with uniforms and stationary. Though Ive got a good 4 or 5 weeks before I head back to college, I decided to get all my stuff ready way before so nothing is forgotten and also so its cleared from my mind.

Folders is one thing I hate buying because I want nice unique, quirky patterns and I dont always find ones I like in shops. When I do however, they usually are quite expensive and the plain ones just dont do it for me. So Ive resorted once again this year to covering plain, boring folders with wallpaper. Yes, once again the trusty free wallpaper samples are of use. 

This DIY is cheap, simple and because you made it yourself - unique, so you wont have t worry about matching with someone else. Also, I found that by doing this last year as well, the folders where more durable and didnt get them annoying, flappy, split corners.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders. Hot glue gun, ruler, pencil, scissors, mat

You will need :

    • Folder(s)
    • Wallpaper sample(s)
    • Hot glue gun
    • Scissors
    • Ruler
    • Pencil
    • Something to protect your work surface - newspaper, art mat etc

1. Whilst your hot glue gun is heating up, start off by drawing around your folder. Make sure to leave enough excess room around the folder. Doing this will make it easier to place when gluing - so you arent short of paper.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

2. If your wallpaper is on the thicker side, lightly score it being careful not to cut through the paper. This will make an easier, cleaner fold around the folder.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

3. Now, working side by side, you can begin gluing the folder to your paper. Make sure to firmly press the folder down allowing time for the glue to set (only a few seconds).

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

4. Once the folder is fully stuck down, begin drawing lines on the folders creases.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

5. Cut the line and cut the tab smaller. I found without doing this the paper began to crease up of peel off when in use.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

6. Stick the tabs down.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

7. Again draw a line and snip up it - on the edge of the folder.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

8. Then proceed to stick each of them tabs down, not forgetting to firmly press them down. You should be left with something like this.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

9. Oh look the ruler and pencil and returned once again. I decided to cut this part on an angle to make it look a bit neater.

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

10. Voilá, its complete! If you arent happy with how the inside looks here are some ideas you could glue down to cover it:
    • A thin whiteboard (or make your own by laminating some paper)
    • Left over wallpaper or other decorative paper
    • Paper Folder (to store loose sheets)

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

DIY School supplies. wallpaper folders

We are all creative. Creativity is the hallmark human capacity that has allowed us to survive thus far. Our brains are wired to be creative, and the only thing stopping you from expressing the creativity that is your birthright is your belief that there are creative people and uncreative people and that you fall in that second category. - Shelley Carson

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