Monday, April 18, 2016

Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015

What do you mean it is the end of 2014?!?! Seriously though, where has this year gone? Scary!

My family have never really done a big shabang thing for new years. I think Ive only ever stayed up till midnight twice, once when I was skiing with school and dived to the ground in fear as people where setting off fireworks all around will nilly. The other time I was pretty uneventful so I never bothered again, but my parents said something about at the strike of 12 the darkest haired family member has to run out the back door, with a coin in their pocket then back in the front door with the coin in their hand. I think it was something to do with good luck, good fortune, good health. 

But the other day I saw Ela Gales Weird & Wonderful New Years Traditions and I may try some of those out. I was especially intrigued by the coloured underwear one (Ill let you read about it here). Which colour underwear would you like to wear on new years eve?

New year. Goodbye 2014 hello 2015

Normally, I dont really do the whole new years resolution thing. Well I have sometimes said the generic ones like Im going to give up chocolate. But lets be realistic here. Chocolate! 

However, this year I really want to set myself some resolutions - which are more like goals. I think it will be really nice to look back at the end of 2015 and see if Ive achieved them. But to be honest I really dont want to be thinking that far ahead yet.

  • Do more acts of kindness - Before Christmas I dropped off a bag of food at my local food bank and after doing so and writing a blog post on it (here) it has made me want to do more things out of kindness.

  • Have a more positive outlook - Im such a hypocrite as Im always telling others to look on the bright side, or that there is always something good coming. But applying them to myself has just never been successful, so 2015 I hope to change that.

  • Not spend so long doing nothing - Basically, stop procrastinating so much and just spending days on end watching youtube, TV series and films. Instead I want to try and get out and do things, be a good kind of busy.

  • Work harder on my A levels - This kind of links with the one above. Ive always been someone who puts effort in but its usually too late, too close to the exams. So I want to try and get ahead and do extra to help me achieve good grades.

  • Start yoga - I said this way back in my summer bucket list - it never happened. But I did one or two yoga videos the other day and really enjoyed it, it was so relaxing. So, hopefully now that Im starting to enjoy working out and living a healthier lifestyle, yoga will tie in nicely.

Now onto some blogging related goals.

  • Try and get an understanding of technical things - To say I spend a lot of my time on the internet I really dont understand much; html,SEO etc. Id love to be able to learn things so I can improve Nimble Note in terms of things such as design.

  • Improve photography skills - This links with the above. I really want to sit down and learn, not only about my current camera, but also how to enhance my photos in ways such as set up, lighting and editing. Hopefully by the end of 2015 I may have purchased a new camera, better suited for blogging. I wish I could now, but some things have to be worked and waited for.

  • Befriend some fellow bloggers- I have made acquaintances through the internet before, but they have remained only acquaintances. The blogging community is so big and to get to know even just a few would be amazing.

  • Attend an event - I didnt even know there where such things as blogger events until a month or two ago. The thought of attending one is both quite daunting and exciting. 

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope 2015 is a brilliant year for us all!

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