Well, theres really nothing else like Insider Johns BinaryApp810 (click here to go to their official site).
For the first time ever, the winner of Banc de Binarys official trading bot contest has released his winning bot to the public, for free.
John "Insider John" Callaghan is an award-winning expert binary options trader who has made millions of dollars over the past few years. He developed a top-tier trading bot software called BinaryApp810 that made him rich, and now hes sharing it with the public.
For the first time ever, the winner of Banc de Binarys official trading bot contest has released his winning bot to the public, for free.
John "Insider John" Callaghan is an award-winning expert binary options trader who has made millions of dollars over the past few years. He developed a top-tier trading bot software called BinaryApp810 that made him rich, and now hes sharing it with the public.
John Callaghan receives his Banc de Binary award |
This bot has produced more positive feedback than any other trading bot Ive reviewed. More people write me every week with positive results than anything else Ive ever seen (see testimonials from my newsletter below this review). People love this bot, and they love John, his honesty and his story.
YET ANOTHER NEW TESTIMONIAL 2/15/15: "BinaryApp-810, 2/9/15 to 2/13/15, 20 trades with 16 profitable, wow $535.00 profit." - Marty C.
UPDATE 2/6/15: NEW TESTIMONIAL FROM PATRICK G.: "I just downloaded Binary App 810. So far, so good. Of the five closed trades, all were in the money!"
UPDATE 2/1/15: NEW TESTIMONIAL FROM SHIVA K: "Binary App 810 is amazing. I made $286 last week. Am still trading only $25 lots." NOTE: Its important to sign up for "multi-broker mode" for the bot to work best. Once you sign up, they will explain how to use multi-broker mode.
UPDATE 12/19/14: This system is BY FAR generating the most positive feedback for any system so far. People are doing well with it, but keep in mind it is a semi-auto signals provider, not an auto-bot. If you want an auto-bot, try any of the other systems on this list.
Pros: extremely accurate trading bot, backed by the excellent reputation of expert trader John Callaghan. It uses a multi-tiered 3 broker system to receive data, which is small-scale version of my Super Signals Software. Very impressive!
Cons: its a two month trial, and after that its $4,999. But Ive been told by an inside source that John does not plan to charge people for the system. You will get to keep his bot for free. Period. And Im very sure about that.
I highly recommend watching the entire video that introduces you to John Callaghan. You can watch it at this link. Use the 3 broker multi-data system if you can (though its not necessary, you can still use one broker if you want)!
God bless,
Roy @
My video review:
My latest newsletter & testimonials:
Friday, Nov. 28th, 2014 - Roys Newsletter
Dear subscribers, friends & family,
Im more excited about this newsletter than just about any Ive sent out in a while. There is a lot for you to read below, so get ready!
First off, Ive been getting some very positive testimonials from people about "BinaryApp810" and My Binary Revenge.
Here area couple of them included below for you to check out. Below, Maja used BinaryApp810 and HER FIRST 16 TRADES WERE WINNING TRADES!!! Look below:
Sonia signed up for My Binary Revenger and her first trades were 8 WINS and ONLY ONE LOSS! Thats amazing! Check out what she said below:
Both Insider Johns BinaryApp810 and My Binary Revenge are proving to be great systems that are producing a LOT of winning trades. They seem to be a couple of the best trading bots ever offered to the public.
I recommend signing up for them as soon as possible, because as Ive talked about before, its best to get in early before they fill up or close down to the public.
Novembers $1,000 Giveaway Winners!
Below are the winners of my November $1,000 cash giveaway.
I want to thank everyone who wrote me and shared with me their personal stories of financial struggle and heartache. I received about 100 emails. I read each and every one. I wish I could give everyone money, because everyone who wrote me deserved it!
But I could only choose three to receive $333 dollars each:
I chose Jon Minor from the U.S. after he told me about his financial struggles, faith in God and desire to help his 4 year-old son have a better life.
I chose Raman P.A. from India after he told me about his difficult life there and his desire for a better financial future.
I chose Syed Muneeb from Karachi, Pakistan after he told me about the six people in his family who are desperately struggling, and how the giveaway cash would help them so much.
For those who did not win, just stay tuned for next months giveaway. Im not sure what I plan to do yet, but dont give up hope. If youre on my newsletter, then that means youre eligible! I want to help as many people as I can this year and into next year, so I hope by next year I can give away thousands and thousands of dollars to my newsletter subscribers who need the money the most to help pay bills and afford deposits for new binary options trading systems.
I appreciate when people update me with their progress
Some people have written me and theyve said, "Roy, I dont want to bother you." But I dont mind getting emails, I just may not be able to respond to every one of them, since I get so many.
I do want people to update me on their progress and how they are doing with their trading experiences. I want to know so I can spot any scams and alert people. We all know what happened with My Cash Bot and a few other awful systems. They started out well, but once it was apparent they were scamming people, I alerted everyone as fast as I could. So all of your feedback helps a lot. Remember, my main email
Building your binary trading system portfolio
Something Im going to be talking more about is how to build up your trading bot portfolio using my Master List of systems that I use.
Preparing for difficult economic times
As I talk about in my latest video, I believe the United States is headed toward very difficult economic times. The whole world is also still suffering from the economic crisis of 2008. Right now, our Federal Reserve is printing billions of dollars a day to keep the U.S. economy afloat, but it is barely working, and at some point there will be consequences for printing so much money. People are already struggling and barely getting by, wages are stagnant, while rent and utilities costs continue to rise. Things are so bad that people can barely feed their children, in some cases. Our media doesnt really talk about it, but things really arent getting better.
Thats why financial preparation is so important. Thats why people need financial relief so badly. Thats why I want my software to help people. I know if more people can get it, more and more people will benefit.
Why its easy for rich people to make even more money
I know $5,000 or $10,000 is nothing for rich people. They can invest that easily and make money easily. They make money in the stock market, Forex market and binary options market because they already have so much money to invest in the first place! If you have one million dollars, for example, its easy to invest that in a high yield, dividend paying stock and you will make thousands of dollars a month in free income.
That is the luxury of being rich. And poor people dont have that option. They just dont have the investiment capital to make a consistent, long-term passive income. Thats why binary options are so special, so unique: it gives the "little guy" a real shot at making big money!
My message to everyone is dont give up. Ive been blessed with a great secret, given to me by a friend in the binary options world. Ive spoken about it a little before, but I plan to tell people more about who this person is in the future. He is part of the reason I created my software. I believe the Lord led me to him, so I could create my software and make it available, for free, for people who are struggling who need it.
God bless & have great Thanksgiving weekend,
Roy @
p.s. Below are screenshots of the transactions made for my giveaway winners. Im providing this as a means of full legal disclosure so people can feel confident that I really do giveaway my own money.
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