Monday, April 11, 2016

Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Yes, you heard me correctly, Christmas is coming. I hear you saying but wait its still practically 2 months away. Thats perfect! 

I know Im not the only one who starts getting excited for Christmas way earlier than I should. From around mid September, I get random bursts of Christmas spirit, the Christmas songs get sung, I spend countless hours on pinterest looking at cute gifts and DIYs and crave mince pies and Christmas cake. Does anyone else do this? 

I dont know about you but, as much as I love Christmas day, I prefer the build up. Whereas with Christmas day you spend with people close to you, the build up you spend with everyone and I find it so special that it brings us all together. Theres people smiling everywhere you look, wrapped up in their hat and scarfs, with red noses glowing, carrying a loved ones special gift and children laughing and getting excited for father Christmas. 

Christmas cake mary berry recipe

Earlier this week I began preparing our Christmas Cake, soaking the fruit to make them plump, and I may have bought a good few gifts - I hate the rush of leaving it till a week before. With the shops now at the point of bringing in their Christmas stock: decorations, cards and my favourite festive foods, I cant wait till Christmas is in full swing. Hopefully, some snow will begin to fall and well have a white Christmas! 

 The Christmas scents! Mmmmm! Personally my favourite scents are food related, no surprise, and I got my first waft when baking the cake. Even just the smell of the fruits soaking in slightly watered down rum was enough to get me singing Shakin Stevens, but as with any baked goods, when they are in the oven and the scent fills your house you just want to eat the whole thing there and then. Not to mention the fact that it was baking away for 4 hours. But Ill have to wait quite a while yet as it has to be wrapped up to mature so itll be twice as good - especially when topped with marzipan and icing! I did make a little loaf cake along side for my grandma and its so cute! 

If youre wondering, I followed Mary Berrys recipe, but did substitute a few things: rum instead of brandy, golden syrup instead of black treacle and I left out around 70g of sugar so it wasnt overly sweet when topped with marzipan. 

Dont worry it wont be Christmas related blog posts from now until Christmas!

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