Friday, March 25, 2016


Anyone can work from home online. 

So how can you do it?

I wanted to put together a basic guide for how to get started working from home and making passive online income so you can do it just like I do.

Yes, I make a very good living simply working at home on the Internet.

Im going to show you how I make money each and every day using the following products, platforms and revenue streams that you can also use yourself. (Im also going to show you PROOFS, below, of my incredible online income. Scroll down to check them out! Talk about motivation!)

The platforms below work. With patience, time and commitment, you can enjoy a passive income just like I do. While I do this full time and make over $50,000 a year entirely off the Internet, you can do it part-time or in your leisure time (and thats not even counting my huge income from binary options $300,000+ last year and more this year! Thats where the money is at!).

Once you get that first deposit into your bank account, youll feel so good youll want to just keep working harder at it.

Remember, to be truly successful, you want to develop multiple income streams.

Before we get to my recommendations, lets start off with a healthy dose of motivation.
Let me show you my accounts and how much Im making every month...


Here are five real screenshots of some of my income from June & July 2014, from four of my systems...

2015 UPDATE: "Im making about the same in 2015, slightly more. This really works! You can work at home, too!" - Roy

This will give you a taste of what you can achieve working from home. (If you have ANY DOUBT about the veracity of these screenshots, email me and Id be happy to do a TeamViewer session showing my accounts, which is a live video stream of my desktop to your computer):

This one is a monthly total, not a daily total! I wish!


Yes, all of that above is REAL MONEY, directly deposited into MY BANK ACCOUNT every month.

"Roy, what are the systems I need to make this happen for me?"

Good question! 

Lets start off with the top 5 things I do online, in no particular order (and theyre things anyone can do): 

  1. Google Sniper 3.0
  2. ABS / CTOption Strategy 
  3. Z Code Platform
  4. Websites
  5. Binary Options

Now lets dig deeper on how you can take advantage of these systems like I have:

#1 Google Sniper 3.0 (click here) 

As I explain in my review of the product, this system is like taking a college course (but much, much cheaper, I believe its only $47 as of this writing). It takes even less time than a semester-long class. But its the same concept. Youre buying this product so you can learn how to create a website, bring traffic to it and sell ads and products on it, so you can create a passive income stream that will last far into the future. 

I bought it a long time ago and it helped me launch my career online. I now have about 25 secret websites that use methods I learned from Google Sniper. I make money through Googles Adsense program. It takes some effort, but anyone can do it.

PROS: Good for beginners wanting to create passive income websites, good training that will help you for the rest of your life, low price. Youre not going to believe the amount of money George Brown makes!

CONS: You need to put in about three months of real effort to have a chance at success. (buy it here) 


#2: Auto Binary Signals & CTOption Strategy

auto binary signals

Binary options is a new way of trading currencies and commodities that is much simpler than buying and selling stocks or trading traditional Forex (see My Binary Options 101 Guide for Newbies to learn more). 

But without a proprietary system that can process thousands of daily market fluctuations and signals, you will have your work cut out for you in doing painstaking research on what trades to make. ABS does the work for you. 

All top options traders use systems like ABS, but those products can cost thousands. ABS is a product designed by Roger Peirce, a top Forex trader, for the general public and is very cheap.

Read my review of ABS for an in-depth guide on how you can buy this product and get it set up, and within a month or two you will be making sound, profitable trades with a very high success rate (if you want to open a trading account, I recommend CTOption and their 150% deposit bonus. I do NOT recommend using ABS recommended brokers. Any broker will work with ABS!)

PROS: ABS works, great customer support, very EASY for those not familiar with finances or trading. Also, some of the TOP automatic trading systems today include Medallion App, all very easy to use and listed on my Master List.

CONS: Binary options can be a bit complicated for newbies, so you also need to read my site carefully and read my Top 5 Links to Start Your Binary Options Education!

#3: Z Code (click here)

Some people may be intimidated or even wary of a system that many consider to be a form of "gambling". However, sports betting is a science, not gambling. There are many sports bettors who make a successful career out of it.

But without a platform that can process and digest countless sports statistics and data, you can end up overwhelmed. Z Code takes the research side out of it for you and presents you with highly-tuned algorithmic predictions on sports outcomes.

PROS: Boosts sports betting profit margins, been around forever, based on science and statistics, nice user interface, A HUGE, consistent income is possible.

CONS: Not for those who dont love sports or who think sports betting is "gambling". (buy it here) 

# 4: My Secret Websites

There are secrets here I prefer not to reveal publicly. I have good reasons for this. I have never revealed many of the websites I make money on. I keep my most prized sites close to the vest.

You can email me if youre ready and prepared to take the plunge. Its recommended youve bought Google Sniper or youre already well-versed on how to create websites. I can give you tremendous tips and secrets I use for free that will put you well ahead of the curve. I love to give out advice and help people who are motivated.

PROS: Everyone should have a website, great way to make passive, hands-free income.

CONS: Takes work and effort and website coding knowledge, most people dont quite have the patience to make it happen. For people who dont have the time for it, without any question, some of the top free auto-traders on my Master List are a better option.

# 5: Binary Options

Without any doubt, binary options are an exciting and incredible new way of trading. I recommend starting off on my Master List for the best auto bots available, 100% free and automatic, like Medallion App.

For manual trading with one of my Top 3 Brokers, try Francos system. Hes a real, live, pro trader, and you can copy his trades. Heres my review and you can sign up here.

PROS: Huge income possible with the right system/broker, easy to use, fun way to learn trading. Some people make thousands a month, or per week, with the right system.

CONS: Market conditions greatly can affect earnings and income, and some bad brokers can affect the trading bot performance (use my Good & Bad Brokers List to avoid the bad ones). 

Other methods that I like:

What about something easier and faster?

Another great way to start out quickly is to join someone elses income stream network, like Jean Jetts, below:


The concept here is, in a simple way of speaking, like buying stock in a company. Youre investing in someones existing online business. You can pay a small fee to piggyback their profits.

One person who does it is a woman by the name of Jean Jett, who has a huge profit network, and works along with her son, Randy Jett. Shes opened it up to a limited amount of subscribers.

She can help you jump on board her already huge profit machine and help you make your websites (she makes 300 websites for you). Theres also a money-back guarantee. You can start out by signing up for only $2.95 and up, depending on how much you want to invest. 

Thats a small costconsidering youre joining in for a percentage of her huge profit stream, were talking tens thousands of dollars a month. It will only be open for a limited time, and once youre in, youre set. (Im also thinking of opening up one of my own limited buy-in income streams through my network of sites, so stay tuned).

Click here for Jeans website.

Heres my review of Jeans system. 

Other work from home income possibilities you may look into:

While the following products have accounted for a small amount of my income, they are still worth mentioning: Ive written reviews for Surveys Paid (my review) and Legit Online Jobs (my review) and I found each product to be legitimate in what it offers.

Each of them offers great resources on how to get work from home Internet jobs. (Note: I will be updating my review for Paid Social Media Jobs soon, but its still worth checking out).

I also highly recommend No Cost Income Stream (my review), created by famous Christian marketing teacher Eric Holmlund. Its an excellent, low-priced ($37) educational system that will teach you so much about how to create an online empire without spending hardly any money.

Another great way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. The BEST introduction to it is CB Passive Income (my review), endorsed by billionaire Bill Bartmann. It is a highly polished product that will actually help you get started by placing your special affiliate code within an existing income stream. You can literally get sales the same week you buy CB Passive Income.

Do I need to spend a ton of money to do this? 

The answer is ultimately "no", but you have to invest some money. 

I actually spent thousands to get started. Thousands. But you dont have to do that. Most of the products above are cheap and under a hundred dollars. You do have to make a commitment and try. You do have to make some purchases. People who dont want to spend a dime wont get far. 

Did you know that I spend hundreds of dollars a month just to maintain my websites and keep them fresh in the search rankings? Im spending money all the time to make money

A positive attitude is key!
Ive met a lot of people who have a VERY negative attitude about working online. They think everything is a "scam", they never stick with anything and never really try.

I ALWAYS have a positive attitude about everything I do, and if a product isnt a scam and delivers, I make the best use of it, even if it isnt going to make me rich overnight. A positive attitude will get you far -- but greed and negativity will destroy your chances at success. 

Want my honest opinion?

Whats the best strategy to start with? 

Out of all of them -- personally? -- I would recommend Auto Binary Signals for everyone and use it with CTOption (or one of my top recommended brokers).

This what I call my "ABS/CTOption combo strategy". 

ABS/CTOption (or one of my top brokers) is a great "one-two punch" that will help you make money. And you can make money quickly.

LOOK: Heres a real testimonial I just got from someone who did just what I suggest above:

"I opened up a CTOption account from your site with $250. After 6 trades, Im up to $613 using the ABS Perfect Match signals! I won 4/6, the two that I lost were not with in the suggested time frame..." - Josh Boulter 

HERES HOW YOU START: Youll make a deposit with CTOption (or one of my top brokers), then buy ABS and use their signals to trade on with CTOption as your broker (read that again if you dont understand it).

Keep in mind: ABS will suggest brokers to use, but they are not the best. Use my Top 3 Brokers instead.

A lot of people use ABS "recommended brokers" but that is a BIG MISTAKE. ABS will work with any broker!

Also, if you want the BEST binary options auto traders, visit my Master List.

I hope this helps! Email me if you have further questions, especially if you need help with my ABS/CTOption combo strategy.

God bless,

Roy @
 (with a BIG THANK YOU to my webmaster, Jim, for helping me update and write this article).

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