December 10th update: please send requests to
Over the course of the past few days, Ive received a lot of emails and messages from people who are struggling financially. They want a way out. Theyre looking for hope. Theyre looking for something that works, but theyre not finding it.
Some of their messages were so heartbreaking, I felt the need to send this message out to my list and ask for their thoughts and prayers. I know not everyone on this list is a Christian, and thats fine. But even if youre not a Christian, Im sure some of these stories will still touch you just as much as they did me:
* Mike M. is a former truck driver who lost his job due to company cutbacks. Hes living with his 78 year-old mother and sharing her social security income, as his unemployment income has run out. Hes looking for jobs in his central Michigan hometown, but there is nothing. And hes so busy taking care of his mothers health needs, he barely has time to look. He needs help, our thoughts and our prayers. Ive personally sent him a donation. If anyone else wishes to help him, please contact me and Ill forward you his information and email.
* A couple from Kansas whose names Ill keep private for their sake wrote me a long, heartfelt message describing their current crushing debt loads, their financial struggles, their difficulties finding jobs. Theyre both 60. She works full-time. Hes looking for work. They wanted to retire, but they only have $28 in their checking account until the end of the month. I couldnt believe it when I read that. If anyone wants to help with a small donation, email me and Ill get you their information.
* A mother of two from Calgary wrote me. If she sees this, I hope she knows my thoughts and prayers are with her. Shes struggling, too, and barely able to make ends meet.
* A nice man wrote me saying hes lost his job, and is currently at home taking care of his sick mother. He said doesnt have a dollar left to his name, but is eager to learn how to make money online.
* The most touching story of all? A blind man wrote me. Hes 100% blind, and uses voice software to speak to his computer, and his computer will read back text to him. He said he cant find a good broker to trade binary options. One of them, LBinary (a notoriously awful broker), tried to squeeze $5,000 out of him, otherwise they refused to help. So I sent him some brokers that will let him trade on a demo account so he can learn how to do it.
There are more stories than this. Im doing what I can to help. I just ask for peoples thoughts and prayers. If anyone wishes to communicate with anyone above and learn their stories or help, just write me.
All of these people are looking for some financial hope. Ive tried to put together the best products on my blog, things that work and can help. Some of them take a lot of time and effort because they are intensive training programs with no flashy gimmicks or promises (Google Sniper, No Cost Income Stream) and others are binary options systems which require usually $250 minimum deposits (Binary Matrix Pro). There are exciting systems like Walter Greens system, but they are out of reach for those who cant make deposits into brokerage accounts. Its really hard for people with nothing to get started. Im doing my best to help, at this point, but there arent many options. Often with the Internet, it takes money to make money. I alone spend almost $1,000 a month to maintain my websites.
Im trying to figure out a way for people with nothing to get started, though. Ill be posting more articles on that soon.
God bless,
Roy T. @
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