JustAdvertise.me is the newest PPC ad company on the block. But are there any legitimate reviews of the company?
When I first signed up for a publisher account on JustAdvertise.me I was skeptical. A Google search for reviews of the company doesnt turn up much other than this thin review here. Ive been able to discern the company started in mid-2013, was founded by an Andrew Dewar (who appears to be 15 years-old), offers high publisher revenue share of 80% and is a direct competitor of Googles Adsense.
The trail runs dry
There appears to almost no legitimate outside information on the company or whether it is actually paying publishers out. Dewar has listed a few of his websites on Flippa.com (a website auction house) where he has listed his site income from the very ad network he owns, JustAdvertise.me. One of his listings claims hundreds of dollars in revenune -- of course, that revenue is from his own ad network!
Is Andrew Dewar and JustAdvertise.me even real?
At this point, I do not know. There is a Huffington Post article that profiles Dewar, but below it numerous comments indicate skepticism, while Dewar logs in and defends himself and claims his social media site he created has "1.9 million users". The entire thing looks like a hoax, yet it appears to be a real Huffington Post article and interview!
I have set up an account with the site and I am currently testing ads on one of my sites. I will post an update on the results. So far, the system Dewar has put in place for the ad network appears to be functional, and ads do appear on my site (however, they are generic ads; this may change as the ads scrape content off my site and adjust to reflect my sites content).
Ad networks pop up all the time and come and go. Adsense, Chitika and a few others are the only ad networks that seem to have any legitimacy or staying power.
Andrew Dewar has contacted us and left a comment below. We are continuing our investigation.
PROS: A cheap platform for advertising.
CONS: Too many red flags.
God bless,

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