The other week I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Tegan from Permanent Procrastination (thank you for the nomination)! I highly recommend you go over and have a read, she has a wonderful blog and I absolutely love her home posts - the inspiration posts are similar to how I would like to decorate my own home in the future.
Rules of the award :
- - Show the Award on your Blog
- - Thank the person who nominated you
- - Share 7 facts about yourself
- - Nominate 15 blogs
- - Link to your nominees and notify them!
My 7 Facts :
- I eat a banana and blueberries everyday - obviously apart from the odd occasions when we dont have them in, in which case I feel a bit strange haha.
- I did morris dancing for 9 years - not the bells and handkerchief type, the one with pom poms
- When I was 3 a neighbour gave my quavers and coke and apparently I was hyper for 3 days straight.
- I have never broken/fractured any bones - hopefully I havent just jinxed myself.
- I was an extra a few times for TV shows a year or 2 ago - I miss drama quite a bit
- My dad always used to joke that if I was a boy I would have been called Baldrick Ignasous Cadwellider (I dont even know how to spell it) and I genuinely believed him.
- I can do the grumpy cat face.
The bloggers I nominate (in no order) :
- - Karolina from Brunette Wavez
- - Emma from Wallflower Wardrobe
- - Fii from Little Miss Fii
- - Mandy from One Slice Of Lemon
- - Genevieve from Genevieves Life Blog
- - Eli from Marshmellows Diary
- - Leanne from A Slice Of My Life
- - Louise from The What Now Blog
- - Jordan from Hello Miss Jordan
- - Cat from More About Cat
- - Alex from On Serpentine Shores
- - Courtney from Broke But Not Basic
- - Cece from La Vie Cece
- - Courtney Ella from Health, Happiness and Lifestyle
- - Katie from Insight
Of course anyone can go ahead a do it! Id love to read your posts if you do it, so please leave a link in the comments or tweet it to me (@nimblenoteblog)
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