Thursday, April 7, 2016

7 Day Cash Money REVIEW

"The Super VIP Program is the perfect system for newbies who want to buy websites and make money with them. Its only $2.95 to join Jeans income wheel. Click here for the official site." 

    - Roy T. @

UPDATE: I will be removing this review shortly, as this system will close to new applicants soon. Its best to sign up immediately to get in. If you have any questions, email me personally at and Ill try to respond within a day or two.

MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR OWN WEBSITES: Does the Google Super VIP Program (click here for the official site) system really work?

This is a very interesting and promising offer for people who are completely NEW to making money through websites.

Making money with websites is really intimidating for someone who is completely new to the industry - but its something most people would LOVE to make passive income with.

Wouldnt you love to have a few websites that run themselves and make income for you every month? Maybe $500 a month? Or $1000? Or even much more? 

I know the person who has created the system above personally. Her name is Jean Jett, and shes an Internet entrepreneur, along with her son, Randy.

Weve been sharing trade secrets for a few years now and I completely trust her. She makes $50,000 a month online (dont believe thats even possible? It is! Keep reading for proof). 

Shes offering for a limited time the ability of members of the public to buy into her huge income stream system. This is a GREAT system for beginners to start making money online!

What do you get with it?

You actually get a domain and 300 websites (normally, this would cost thousands to pay someone to set up for you). 

She does it all for you. Then she advertises it for you. Then you make sales through Adsense and other ad platforms when people visit your 300 websites. Shes able to do this because she has the system in place and everything set up already.

Again, this is a perfect way for absolute beginners and newbies to get a website and start making money. 

Once Jean gets your site up and running (it takes 6-12 weeks to get people visiting it, and thats normal), you can make HUGE commissions and big money with ad sales. Some people are making $2000-$5000 per month. A few lucky ones are making $25,000 a month (dont believe thats possible? Look to your right on my blog side bar to see how much money *I* make online or see my income proofs here).

Why does Jean want to give all of this away?

Just as companies "go public" and sell stock in their company, Jean has gone public and is letting investors join her system. She benefits because the more people in her system results in more income for her through Adsense. 

She helps you, and by you joining, youre helping her. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement, but its limited to a handful of entrants and will be closed to new entrants on Jan. 25th, 2015. Sign up now or never:


Will I make money guaranteed? 

Nothing is guaranteed in life, but you can give yourself a real shot at making passive income with this. 

Jean will get you a domain, build you 300 websites and begin promoting your site through her huge cash wheel system shes taken years to develop. 

You should have success, if all steps are followed and you give it 6-12 weeks. 

The more you invest, certainly your chances of big-time income go way up.

Im recommending this system as one of the fastest, quickest, easiest ways to jump in on the Internet money making machine. You dont have to waste time with long seminars with gurus, or motivational nonsense, or grueling training programs (that said, I still recommend my Super Signals system for maximum online profit, which you can learn about here -- yes, its completely free).


Did you know REAL people make HUGE amounts of money online every month?

I know a lot of people are skeptical, but it is a cold, hard fact that tens of thousands of people make huge incomes online. 

Google, Inc. even includes in their newsletter "success" stories of people who quit their jobs and now work solely online off of AdSense income (the same income youll get with Jeans system above). Check out my review of Google Sniper for more on that. 

Heres a few screenshots of real accounts and the huge income they get (this is via the Super VIP Program above), I thought I would also share it here, too: income proofs.

Or, you can just read my Top 5 Income Streams and Proof of Profits post to see how much I make and how you can use the methods I use. Yes, Ive taken real screenshots of my own accounts so you can see how much I make. 

Dont believe me? Just email me and ask for a TeamViewer session. If you dont know what TeamViewer is, its a program that will show my computer desktop on your computer. It is used in the web and Internet industry to verify information all the time. I want to motivate people and show them this really is possible for anyone!

Why are you telling me about this? 

Im a friend of Jeans and I wanted to put this review up. There are also some nasty reviews out there that are promoting competitor products and other junk (see below), and I wanted to put this up so people get the real story. 

But WAIT, will I get rich right away? 

No! Some people seem to think theyre going to make money right away. They wont. Thats impossible. This is an purchase in your future so you can have a passive income. It takes 6-12 weeks. 

For any site that I set up, it takes me usually 3-6 MONTHS to start making money. That is normal. That is how the Internet works. Some people dont seem to understand that. No one can create a site and start making money in a day! They are LYING to you if they promise that!

Search engines like Google reward "aged" sites, not new sites somebody created in a day. Thats why Jeans system takes some time. Dont buy it if you dont have any patience! Google is smart, and they dont rank highly sites that were just created. They like older sites, so it does take some time.

Is this really a legit product? 

It is a real product. Jeans system is just like my system. I have tons of websites that make money through multiple income streams. She also has a system like this. What shes offering is that you make a small purchase of a size of your choosing. Its like buying a stock. Youre buying into her system, youre investing in it. 

Are these reviews saying its a "scam" even real?

Ive read all of the reviews on this product, and one prevailing theme is that people give up after a few days or a week. Jean is very clear that it takes a minimum of 6 to 12 weeks to begin to see traffic. That is normal. No website can be created and make money right away! It takes time. If these clients dont make a ton of money right away, they get upset, ask for a refund and leave comments or write reviews saying it is a scam. That kind of greedy and impatient attitude wont get you far.

I also notice a scam site ironically titled "ScamXposer" has left a ridiculously negative review full of lies and spin on their site. Theyve also posted a bunch of clearly fake comments below the review from upset so-called "customers" who bought Jeans system. Notice how on this site (see below) there are ADS for tons of other products theyre trying to sell? Watch out. Any site that has ads everywhere is bad news and not objective (note that my blog has zero ads. I loathe ads!). 

Since they cant make any money off of Jeans system, they want to just trash it and hope you buy one of their systems. Notice how at the end of the review they encourage you to buy one of their products? Heres a screen shot from the bogus review, look how hes trying to get you to buy one of his "five star" reviews of products theyre trying to sell -- HA! Its so sneaky!

The end of the ScamXposer review for 7 Day Cash / 7 Day Test

What about positive reviews?

There are plenty of positive reviews for 7 Day Cash Money. Heres one right here, that gave it 4.5 stars out of 5. Notice how this site only has one generic ad on it that clearly states "advertisement" next to it? Notice how this site is not really to push or sell anything? That is a legitimate review, like many of Ive found. I also get GREAT feedback on it from people whove tried it -- they love it!

But have you used it?

This is one rare product I have not bought or used yet, because I really dont need to because I already make thousands of dollars a month online. Thats why Im not giving a full grade review yet, like I do with my other reviews. Im not going to lie and say Ive used something that I havent used! I may buy it just to check it out. Since I know her, Im happy to post this review and endorse what shes doing, and I also get positive testimonials from people whove used it, too.

Ive already got a huge system like Jean. Ive thought of opening up my own system to the public, so they can join in. Well see! Stay tuned. I may open it up to a handful of select investors on my newsletter that I know, probably not more than 20 people. Jean has a bigger system and can take in more people, but spots are limited.

Click here for the limited entry Super VIP Program.

Write me personally at my email if you have any questions.

If you have an interest in binary options, I recommend my binary options mentor program.

God bless,

Roy @

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