Friday, April 15, 2016

(If you want to skip the novel, and jump right into the good stuff, check out my My Binary Options 101 Guide & My Top 5 Income Sources & Guide For Newbies.)

My Story

Ive had numerous jobs in my life. I wasnt born lucky or rich. Both my parents were blue collar hard workers, both of whom survived the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. As a result, I ended up walking very much in their shoes. Some of the jobs I had were hard labor, working in the farm fields of the San Joaquin Valley near Bakersfield, California when I was young. These were the hardest jobs of my life: long hours, low pay and a lot of manual labor.

For some of those jobs, I had to work 60 hours per week. Some of the jobs paid minimum wage. I had terrible bosses, worked overtime (and wasnt paid for it), had wages unpaid at the end of temporary job positions and rarely received health coverage or bonuses since I was often a temporary worker.

Life was hard. I hated it. I wanted out. I wanted a way out. But how?

Well, it took a lot longer than I thought.

Most of my career as an adult I spent as a private investigator, working for various security firms in Michigan and Florida. 

I decided to go back to college and I ended up getting my degree in Criminal Justice and later a Masters in Forensics. Unfortunately, this didnt change my income much, but thankfully I learned a lot more about cybercrime, and that would later prove fruitful. 

Despite all that hard work, I was still broke. Life as a PI is not easy and it involves grueling hours and the pay isnt as high as I was expecting.

I had always enjoyed using the Internet. I had heard about people who made money online, and I was jealous of them. I thought, "How do they do it? Why is it so easy for them, but hard for the rest of us? Why are they so lucky and not me?" 

Then I read something Ill never forget:

"Nobody fails at working online. Some just quit before success happens!"

The Journey Begins

Thats when I decided to really make a go of it. To try. To research. To work at it. I was nearing retirement, I had some money saved up, so it was "now or never", as they say.

I started in 2009. By 2010, while working numerous other jobs, my online ventures had netted me a total of -$2,500. Thats minus. I had lost money, a considerable amount. Nothing had worked. I had tried scam after scam. I paid for products that were worthless. I couldnt get anywhere.

I gave up.

I put off my retirement and I kept working, going from job to job, struggling through the economic crisis that started in 2008 and continues to this day.

Then something changed.

A friend directed me to a product that he said had helped him. I bought it. I studied it. I worked at it. And I finally began to make money.

Over the next few years, my income grew enough that I was able to quit my job completely in 2012. I now make over $50,000 a year through online income sources (my income for 2014 later became much higher due to trading binary options, as is listed on my right sidebar income stats). I ended up with more freedom and happiness than I knew what to do with.

I was also able to finally buy my dream home in Richmond, Virginia, where some of my family is, and where I had connected with a wonderful church and congregation.

From the first product that worked and helped me, I began to research other products that worked. I now have around 17 income streams. By that I mean 17 different sources deposit CASH into my bank account every month. They all help bring in revenue for me.

I then wanted to give something back, so I created this blog, sort of as a hobby. I review products Ive used and new products I havent used. Some work, but many are scams. I do my best to be fair. You can find good and bad reviews to your right, on my sidebar. Check them out for yourself.

You will also notice I have no ads on my blog. I dont like ads!

All I can do is try to give back and help. A lot of people will never try. Some will go the road I went initially, and lose money, buying into bad products. Im trying to make it easier, and give those trying this out a better chance than I had. 

If You Are New To This, I Can Help You

If youre not making money online -- in the worlds biggest-growing market, through the trillions-of-dollars-a-year internet advertising market -- you only have yourself to blame for missing out on it. 

Millions of people make money online. Hundreds of thousands of people make a fortune making money online. If youre not doing it, someone else is.

Much of my blog is geared for the beginner or someone at an intermediate level in terms of understanding Internet Marketing, SEO or "Search Engine Optimization". On some of the finer details, Ive held back. I dont want to overwhelm people.

Think of the Internet as a car, and when you lift up the hood and stare at the engine, youre looking at how the Internet works. Thats not something most people do; they just want to turn their car on, they dont want to lift up the hood and try to figure out how it works.

Its so complex that it is overwhelming for newbies who want to learn how to make money online. So Ive geared my blog toward that crowd, but Im trying to go a little deeper. I will also be releasing a free e-book soon that goes into more detail for the advanced reader willing to go the extra step to learn.

I also believe the Lord, through my many prayers, has led me to the right products and on the right path. To that end, I seek guidance from the Lord in every venture I undertake.

To give you a head start, check out my reviews of great products that worked for me:

For more advanced users, check out Google Sniper 2.0 and Automated Binary Signals.

For newbies and beginners, check out Legit Online Jobs and Surveys Paid.

As always, feel free to email me personally and I will respond to any questions you have. I highly recommend emailing me first if you plan to buy anything, as Ive used all these products and I can give you a good walk-through on what will work for you if you share with me your plans. That said, if you feel confident, by all means, try out one of these products, they certainly do work. I also try not to recommend anything that doesnt offer an iron-clad 30 or 60 day money-back guarantee.

God bless,

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