Monday, April 4, 2016

Im amazed at how few people want to try
I get a lot of emails from people asking questions about how I make $50,000 a year working from home. They want to know how I do it. The trouble is, when I tell them how I do it, they stop asking questions.

They stop writing me.

They lose interest.

They give up.

And the reason they give up is because they were never committed in the first place to change their lives.

They really think its easy.

Well, in some sense, it is easy. But it also requires time and commitment. Those are two things most people are not prepared to invest.

They want to dabble, tire-kick and fantasize about a better life, but they dont want to do any work to get there.

If they do make an effort, its usually not much. They might buy a product or two and try it for a week then ask for a refund when they dont make a ton of money right away. Or they just lose interest and move on to something else.

Here are some examples of negative attitudes that result in failure:

"Bob" buys Google Sniper...

  • He complains when he realizes he may not make money right away.
  • He stops following the program.
  • He doesnt finish the entire course.
  • He makes no effort to build a website.
  • Then he asks for a refund.

Result: FAILURE.

"Chris" buys Legit Online Jobs...

  • He only spends about an hour looking for jobs.
  • Some of the jobs he finds he doesnt like, even though they pay well.
  • He signs up for a few services, but gives up because he doesnt like filling out forms.

Result: FAILURE.

Now here are some examples of people who actually care and want to commit to change:

"Doris" buys Auto Binary Signals...

  • She follows all the products instructions, and talks to an ABS customer support person for an hour about the product.
  • She signs up for some of the products add on modules to be sure shes taking full advantage of the product.
  • Shes careful with the trades she makes and waits for two weeks before making a trade.
  • Her first trade is a loss, but she doesnt give up.
  • Two months later shes making a profit.

Result: SUCCESS.

"Larry" buys ZCode Sports Betting System...

  • He studies the product carefully, and signs up for the newsletter and daily email updates.
  • He buys a sports betting book off of Amazon to learn more about sports betting.
  • Hes careful before placing his first bet.
  • He realizes he may lose some bets, but that he only needs to win 52% of the time to break even or make a profit.
  • Hes patient, thoughtful and careful in how he uses the product, and eventually starts making money.

Result: SUCCESS.

As you can see, two people failed and two people had success. The difference between both groups is clear: the first group gave up early, didnt try and gave into negativity and procrastination. The second group was careful, thoughtful and had great patience and the result was success.

I hope these examples give you an idea of why some people succeed and others fail. Its all about your attitude. I had a positive attitude when I started out on my work-from-home journey, and that has never changed. And never will.

As always, email me if you need guidance or advice.

God bless,

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