Friday, April 8, 2016

millionaire blueprint review

Millionaire Blueprint Review: Ive seen it before, and now its back. IT IS A BIG SCAM, HERES WHY:

Youve probably heard of Millionaire Blueprint or the logo - thats because its been released before at least twice. That raises my "red flag" meter immediately. 

Also, I find the video to be a little cheesy and it makes some really outrageous claims. As I tell my newsletter list and mentor members, its best to avoid the systems that make big claims. For example, "You will make millions with this software." It usually doesnt work out that way. 

What were really after are good trading systems that make winning trades 70 to 80% of the time. Were not necessarily looking for software that will make us millionaires in a week, because they either dont exist, they are very rare or they get taken down and attacked by hackers immediately.

Lets face it, we know either the governments of the world or bad brokers dont want people having access to software that will make them millions in a week or month. Those types of software may exist, but will the public get access to them easily? Not likely. Thats why I look for good trading systems with a long-term winning result, with a real, reasonable expectation of return.

With "Millionaire Blueprint", Im skeptical. Theyve also associated themselves with Walter Green, even though they have NOTHING to do with the Free Money System. So watch out for these guys.

Heres my most recent newsletter from July 1st, 2015:

I wanted to get everyone a detailed update on whats going on:1) Theres a new opportunity out thats really caught my attention, and thats Peak Profits Formula.

There have been a few new systems come out the past week, and Ive checked most of them out, but so far Peak Profits Formula is the one thats held my attention. Its got a great video, very good testimonials and a solid, new approach to trading:

millionaire blueprint

I recommend checking out the video here.

2) Julia A. gave me an update on Rock the Stock via email, heres what she said, "Hi Roy, we just asked Big Option for a $500 withdrawal, and we expect that to get through by next week. We will give you an update on whether it went through or not. Were also still doing good with Rock the Stock! Its a little slower this week, but were still way up and very happy so far. Were SO excited about making this money, its going to help us a lot if this keeps up!!"

3) I also have a Rock the Stock update: I was finally able to get some of the stock trades to go through, and I had quite a few winners and a few losses. However, I havent been able to access my Ivory Option account the past two days, so Im concerned about that and Ive written their support asking what is wrong. Im encouraging people to write me if you have questions or a testimonial to offer on it.

4) A lot of people keep asking me if "BinaryOptionRobot" is a safe system.

I had a friend who lost about $1,500 pretty quick with it, so I dont recommend it at all. In case you dont know what Im talking about, heres a screen capture of their logo, which you may recognize:

millionaire blueprint

Avoid it! Its got a very convincing sales page, but like I said, my friend lost money -- fast-- with it and Ive heard of other people who have, too. Theres also another one with thesame name, and its also lousy, too. I would avoid both of them.

5) I wanted to note that on the previous private bot I recommended, it really turned out bad for me and a lot of others. I lost a lot, first my initial deposit then a second deposit of $500. It just didnt do as promised. Im not mentioning the name here since it was a private offering, but for the people who asked for it, please write me and give me your testimonials on how you did. So far, Ive gotten quite a few replies that coincide with my experience. Im very disappointed, and I wont be recommending their products again if they ask me to.

6) PRIVATE GROUP UPDATE: Ive been giving this invitation out to a select, few people, so if youre interested just write "" OR reply to this email and ask for the "Private Group Invite". I feel VERY good about this opportunity, and when you see what its about, you will, too.

Theres also a new system out that I thought looked interesting, so heres the link.

7) TRADING TIP: The EUR/USD pair is hot, with the U.S. Dollar gaining heavily on the Euro recently. If you know what youre doing, now is the time to make trades on this currency pair. You can do this with Rock the Stock, too, and most of the systems on my Master List. If you can watch the charts, always make the trade in the opposite direction on upswings and downswings. So, if the Euro is gaining on the USD, place a "Put" trade on the Euro. Ive made a lot of extra money the past ten days just following this strategy on this pair since its so hot right now.

REMINDER: Always check the main page of my website for new updates at the top.

And PLEASE read my website carefully!!!

I just wish people cared enough to educate themselves and read my site and get the truth. Its very disheartening when people write me who havent read it at all.


My $1,000 cash giveaway is coming up soon, so stay tuned for more info on that.

Dont miss my videos! Some people arent even watching my YouTube updates and dont know anything about Julias videos or my videos for Rock the Stock.

So please visit my YouTube page and subscribe so you dont miss any future videos.

And as always, THANK YOU for your support! My faith in my Lord and your support keeps me going!

God bless,


ALWAYS CHECK MY *MASTER LIST* FOR UPDATES (CLICK HERE) -- Ive added a LOT of NEW testimonials, too, to systems like 100 Percent Profit Bot, which is doing GREAT for people. 


Some people have not heard about my mentor program yet, so click here to check it out (if you sign up, it may take me a few days to respond personally, so be patient!). 

Thank you for your continued positive comments posted at, too! Ill be adding some more updates to the site, too, soon, as things develop here in Europe.

Here is our new logo:

millionaire blueprint

millionaire blueprint

Disclaimer: none of the opinions or advice above is meant to be taken as "financial advice". Roy is not a licensed financial advisor. Trading involves risk, may lose value and there is no guarantee of profit or gain. US traders should only trade with licensed US brokers, like Nadex, and absolutely nothing Roy says is directed at US Citzens,period. Millionaire Blueprint may or may not be a scam, Roy hasnt decided yet. Please read our disclaimer for full details. 

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