Friday, April 1, 2016

Oh Time

Poem - Time - By Lang Leav. You were the one I wanted most to stay. But time could not be kept at bay. The more it goes, the more its gone, the more it takes away.

Dont you find that time goes fast? Sometimes too fast. Yes this is a cliché! But its both amazing and scary how it flies by. I mean just look at a child, whether it be a close relative or friends or it could be a child in the public eye, look at how quickly they develop and grow from a very dependant baby to a running here there and everywhere toddler.

Just look at families on YouTube such as the Sacconejolys, they document everyday of their lifes and you realise how quickly that time has gone when you watch an older video from a few months ago, you see such a growth in their children. Which is amazing! 

But, time passing quickly is, more often than not, viewed as a bad thing. Apart from when you where younger, in school watching and waiting for the clock to tell you its almost home time. But as you get older it feels as if the years become shorter, and Im only 17! I cant seem to get my head around the fact I turn 18 this year and going of to uni. Most of us soon realised that watching the clock only makes us feel stressed. Whether it be a deadline, not enough time to do everything or simply realising that you arent doing anything, we all know the feeling of being under the glare of a clock. 
Time Quote - Time is what we want most, but what we use worst - William Penn
Even if you were to get rid of all clocks around you, although you might not notice the time pass so much, it will still creep up on you and be gone. Normally, you can run from a lot of things or simply ignore them.Now I think thats a scary concept. But time is YOUR past, YOUR present and YOUR future. Why should we run from that, we can control what we do with it! 

I myself am very guilty of just letting time slip away, you know the usual way - spending countless hours in the depths of YouTube, getting through a whole season in a short amount of time or scrolling endlessly through Tumblr (sneaky little link to my tumblr). But Im aiming to slowly start to utilise my time more efficiently, simply starting off with spending more time on college work like I mention in my New Year Goals. Then gradually move onto bigger things like taking more trips, spending less time in front of a screen and more time around family and friends - basically just creating new, and varied memories so that my days dont all blur into one.

So basically, what Im trying to get across in this blog post that has been bugging me for weeks trying to get what Im trying to say out into not to rambley sentences, is the perception of time is subjective, everybody is following the same basics of a clock, but its up to you what you do with it!

I thought Id add in a little thing I wrote when the idea of this post first came to me, I was slightly unsure whether I should share it or not...but oh well.

Time poem. We wake, we wake, we wake. We sleep, we sleep, we sleep. We think,we think, we think. We Watch. Not always knowing, until it hits, that another week, month, year has passed. We begin to reminisce, of all the time that flew so fast. The occasional great memory, one pops up here and there. But on a whole, our repetitive routines merge into one. For a sense of security? Out of laziness? A black and white view? Are we distracted or simply ignorant? We click, we click, we click. We sit, we sit, we sit. We stare, we stare, we stare. We watch. We watch as time slips away

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