Friday, April 8, 2016

Online Black Market Review

*CLICK HERE* to sign up for Online Black Market - Watch the documentary video, its VERY interesting. Youre seeing this now for the first time, as it will go into limited release soon. Its going to give you insight into how the trading world really works. 
online black market review

Sat., May 2nd, 2015 - ** NEWSLETTER UPDATE **:

Dear Newsletter Members, Friends & Family,

I really encourage everyone to watch the whole documentary video for Online Black Market. I personally know the people who produced it, and I 100% stand by some of the work they are doing to clean up the industry. I know for a fact there are dirty online marketers and gurus really upset about this documentary. You will definitely want to sign up with them when you view the video.

UPDATE 5/14/2015: "So far Online Black Markets proprietary trading system has performed very well. Some of our diagnostic testing has shown the trader is making excellent decisions based on some of the market volatility weve seen the past week. My results are 55 wins and 18 losses, though Ive turned off the trader during non-NY and London sessions. I highly recommend this as part of anyones portfolio." - Roy T.

A lot is happening this week, so here we go:


Ive recommended before that people write me and ask about the "New Private Bot" Ive been given permission to give to people. So far, really good results and positive feedback. I really like when a trading bot is offered this way, because it tells me the creators of it are serious about only having a few, hand-picked people use it. I can only send it to about 20 more people then it will be full.

Heres the best testimonial Ive gotten on it so far: 

“Roy I know you haven’t talked about [Redacted; private] but i wanted to let you know I signed up a week ago and I’ve made $1,285 in net profit so far. The support is great too. It’s a really professional set up so you might want to check it out.” - Dan Goldsmith, Dayton, Ohio, USA

UPDATE 5/6/15: The private bot is now full and closed to the public. I will have hopefully some new private offers in the future. - Roy T.


I let some of you down and I apologize. 

I didnt do the kind of research I should have done for this bot. The video really hooked me, and I signed up and began trading without testing it for long enough.

So far, a lot of people have had trouble getting it working. Theyre having trouble getting the actual bot running. Ive contacted some of the people involved with the bot and asked them to look into it. I just dont think they were ready for the flood of people who signed up. There seems to be a real problem with them getting the brokers integrated with it. Hopefully, they get it all fixed within the next week, thats what Ive been told.


Ive gotten a wide range of positive and negative reports on Walters system so far. My experience has been excellent, but then again I signed up early and Im in contact with some of the staff who run it, and theyve made sure I got it working.

Two people reported to me everything went smoothly, and the bot began trading and produced excellent profits over the week ($500 and $800, respectively). I also had reports of people who, once again, as we saw with Confirmed Profits, had a lot of trouble getting it set up.

The main issue seems to be that when people sign up, theyre not able to access the trading bot. This seems to be a broker-dependent issue. So, if you get with a broker that has everything working, then it works fine. If you get with one that isnt connected right, there are issues. (You can sign up here and try it out before its too late, and read my review of it here.)

BRAND NEW VIDEO UPDATE - Must-watch video update on a wide range of subjects -- you really should watch this video all the way through, because I touch on a lot of important points (click here for an update on Walter Green at the 7:28 mark):

online black market review

Ive got a lot more news coming soon, but I wanted to get this update out.

Always check my Master List for the latest.

For the next newsletter, Ill announce Aprils winners of the $1,000 cash giveaway.

Remember, dont miss out on watching the Online Black Market documentary and signing up for it. I found it really compelling, and they talk about things Ive been talking about, like "copycat" software. Theyre spot on when it comes to how this all works. I know the people behind it personally, they based in the UK, so I can vouch for them.

God bless,

Roy T.

Dont forget, all my newsletters are now being posted on the front page of


online black market review

The image below I have posted in one of my articles, but I like it so much I thought I would share it:

online black market review

Note: none of the opinions or advice above is meant to be taken as "financial advice". Roy is not a licensed financial advisor. Trading options involves risk, may lose value and there is no guarantee of profit or gain. We also do not solicit to U.S. Citizens whatsoever. Please read our site disclaimer for full details.

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