Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Its the next hottest thing, but is it worth it?

I have a hard time recommending products that over-hype and over-sell. Too often theyre scams or just full of hot air. And when it comes to health-related claims, Im even more skeptical. On that note, Ive noticed a new product making the waves called the "Paleo Diet Recipe Book." 

Most people have heard of it, because its even been featured on the news. Everyone is talking about this thing, everyone is talking about the "Paleo Diet" featured in this book.

I love what this author is recommending

I bought it and read through it. As someone who is already very health conscious, I found the recipes in this book to be worth their weight in gold. I know whats real and what isnt in the area of health. Some very confused health practitioners still believe in artificial sweeteners, prescribing statin drugs and adhering to the FDAs long-outdated "food pyramid". The Paleo Diet Recipe Book takes current research and takes it to the next level. This is 21st century thinking, not 20th century thinking.

Tremendous value for the price

Ive found many of these products are sold for  hundreds of dollars. "Buy this guide and these supplements", or this diet fad, and it always comes out to way too much money, or multiple payments of "$39.95", plus shipping and handling! 

Well, the Paleo Diet Recipe Book is anything but all that. Its a cheap, one-time price of just $19 (as of this writing, it may go up). Its an unbelievable deal that will change your life forever. The concepts in this book are groundbreaking and surpass any of the past knowledge or assumptions on diet. This is the future. Check it out here.

God bless, 

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