Friday, April 1, 2016


verified trader review

New, free trading robot has many exciting features


I was intially very impressed with Verified Trader, because they use the verification site to verify all of their trades, and to verify that the trading bot really works.

The testimonials in the video are impressive. Once you watch the video, you can enter your email in and sign up. From there, you will choose a broker and make a deposit. After that, you will be sent the members-only link to set up and login to "Verified Trader".

So far, Ive had a great experience with it, and Ive seen a win rate of about 74% over 75 trades or so. Thats pretty impressive. However, Ive also had some people write me who are having trouble with it. Theyre having trouble connecting to it, or having customer service issues. So thats why Im giving it an "A-" rather than a full "A" or "A+. I still recommend it and I think its one of the better auto traders out there.

Click here to check it Verified Trader and sign up for it.

God bless,


Below is my most recent newsletter:

Thursday, February 26th, 2015 - IMPORTANT NEWS:

Dear Mentor Members, Friends & Family,

I have been away from home and dealing with a lot of family issues, so if I havent responded to your emails yet, thats why. Im a little behind and theres a lot to catch up on, so heres a run-down of some important news this week:

ROYS INITIAL REVIEW of PROFESSIONAL ROBOT by George S.: Well, its finally here. Ive been hearing about it for about two months from some of my trading friends, and its definitely living up to the hype. Ive signed up and Ive been trading about five days now, and my results are outstanding16 wins and 4 losses, with a net profit of $457. Click here to sign up before it fills up. Professional Robot is a very impressive new trading platformeveryone should have and will be integrated immediately with my software.
WARNING - WATCH OUT FOR THIS ONE: "Jacob Adams" and his "Ultra Binary Auto Trader" is another fake trading bot designed to fool people into thinking it is real. They copy and paste a lot of elements from real trading bot sites and fool people into using them. So beware of this one.

NEW TRADING BOTS THIS WEEK: 2015 Millionaire is brand new and looks to be an improved version of last years trading bot. I recommend checking it out, as we plan to integrate it with my software. It really does look pretty impressive! Mobile Binary Machine is also a new one, which I have not investigated at all yet but looks very interesting.

UPDATE ON MANUAL SIGNALS PROVIDERS: I think Binary Options Elite Signals is an excellent signals provider, so I recommend it. I also think Auto Binary Signals and its 8 week "Pro Training" program is also a "must".

Remember, these systems are manual signal providers, not auto-trading robots. Theres a big difference, though both are good ways of making trades. I recommend using Binary Options Elite Signals, Quantum Signals or ABS with my recommended broker, CTOption, to make manual trades yourself, if you have an interest in manually trading.


Last months giveaway winners are Stella Njoroge of Nairobi, Kenya, Africa and Krisztina Horvath of Hungary.

Stella won $500 cash via Western Union:

verified trader

"I am so excited to hear this! Ive just reached home at 9.00 pm and seen this great email regarding your decision. At first i thought im dreaming after a difficult, long day at work. Roy, i cant thank you enough for your kind help.You are a true servant of God. Be blessed." - Stella

Krisztina won $500 cash via PayPal:

verified trader scam
"Im so so so happy for chosing me for the giveaway! I can hardly express my joy. And that its $500, its like a dream for me! I can not thank you enough. If you were here I hugged you. Thank you very very much! For us, in our situation, its truly life-saving. Weve been going through so many difficulties. Now weve got a chance to change this dwindling spiral in our life, to stop years of struggle step by step, little by little. You dont know how much it means to us, Roy." - Krisztina

Stay tuned for my next giveaway - Im always looking for people with good hearts who are deserving and in need of a financial boost.

DO NOT MAKE "MINIMUM" DEPOSITS OF $250: People still arent depositing enough funds into their trading accounts. Im still hearing reports of a lot of people who deposit the minimum -- usually $250. It just tells me they are not reading or paying attention, as I clearly state on my Master List I do not recommend or endorse making minimum deposits. I recommend slightly larger deposits, above $350, if you sign up for a new bot. Please read my Master List "Tips" section for the full explanation as to why this is important.

MY SUPER SIGNALS SOFTWARE MAKES TRADING SO MUCH EASIER: One huge benefit of using my Super Signals System ver. 2.41 software is how much easier "life" is when Im using it. Since all of my trading bots connect to it, all I have to do is log them in once and Im done.

While I do check up on my individual brokerage accounts and trading bots (all 70+ of them), I only do it about once a week. Once my software is set up and running, I no longer have to tediously check every, single bot every day. I just spend most of my time using my software, trading when a "super signal" hits, and communicating with my programmers on how to improve it.
I TAKE YOUR PRIVACY VERY SERIOUSLY: Recently, a mentor member of mine made a very big mistake. At first, I was very upset at what happened: this person had used an email list of my mentors and took it upon himself to send dozens of them a personal message talking about my software. While he did not say anything I was upset by in his email to everyone, I was very upset to see everyones emails exposed and misused.

Unfortunately, back in November, I had made a mistake of not using the "blind carbon copy" method for one of my emails. This resulted in this mentor member being able tosee all of the emails of other members. However, that did not give this person a right to send an unsolicited email -- without my permission -- to those people.

I take every effort to protect peoples privacy. I always ask for permission to use anyones name or email. I use Godaddys secure email marketing system now to make sure your email will never be exposed to anyone else, and that spammers and scammers cant get ahold of it. So this upset me greatly, to see an unsolicited email sent out to all of those people who trusted me to protect their emails.

Ive forgiven this mentor member, and I plan to help him out with a new version of my software that I hope will work on his computer. I know he made an honest mistake.

WAIT FOR MY REVIEWS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: People are still signing up for scams like Auto Money App or the out-dated, now-defunct Free Money System, and not waiting for me to review them or reading my updates! What a shame! Please do not be enticed by new systems I havent checked yet, because some of them are scams. The scammers are getting more sophiscated, and seem to be trying to copy real trading bots -- some even have fake broker websites theyve set up that look like the real thing! They just straight away steal peoples money. Ask me first if youre curious about something!

I READ EVERY EMAIL I RECEIVE: I wanted to let people know I read every, single email I get. If I dont reply, at least know for sure I read it. Sometimes I may not reply unless you ask a specific question, simply because I get so many emails and responding can take a long time; I try to prioritize my replies as efficiently as possible.

YET ANOTHER THREATENING EMAIL: Someone wrote me the other day threatening to take my private mentor member materials and post them on the web. I prefer to keep that material private between the members I invite and allow to join. This person broke that trust. While I dont really mind the materials being published, I am very concerned about this unstable, mean-spirited person trying to slander me and distort my mentor program with lies and obsfuscations.

As a result, Ive discussed with my lawyers further safeguards we are going to have to take with regard to giving my software away to the public and closing down my mentor program to new sign-ups. There seems to be increasingly more threatening, dangerous, hostile people swirling around try to stop everything Im doing. Its a shame these bad people are trying to overshadow and stop the good people who just want to improve their lives and help their families.

I really ask for your prayers and support right now, because there are a lot of "gatekeepers" in the industry who dont want things to change, instead they want things to stay the same. They dont like how Im trying to bring truth to the public, and bring software to the public that really works.

I WILL TRY TO ADD CLOSED CAPTIONING TO MY VIDEOS: Im going to try to add closed captioning to my videos for people who are hard of hearing. Ive been contacted by a few people who are either deaf or very hard of hearing and cant understand my videos, so I will look into trying to do this.

I APPRECIATE THE PEOPLE WHO CARE AND ARE SHOWING A GENUINE EFFORT TO LEARN: I appreciate mentors who pay attention. Those who do pay attention, and who have clearly read my materials, will definitely be in line in the future for my software.

Those who dont pay attention -- or worse, those who reference "" as if they are a legitimate source (which they are not whatsoever) -- are people Im not likely to want to give my software to.

A WEBSITE INCOME SYSTEM I RECOMMEND: A lot of people like Jeans Super VIP Program website creation system. Its not related at all to binary options. Instead, its a way to quickly set up a series of websites that will make you money. Jean and her wonderful son, Randy, will set them up for you and get you connected with an Adsense and Chitika account (these are ad companies that pay you to show ads on your websites Jean will create for you). This is a great system for people who dont have websites of their own and dont know anything about "SEO", but want an expert to set it up for them. Its surprisingly low cost, too, considering what you get. Heres my review and heres alink to have a look at it. I still get people writing me who seem happy with this system, so I thought I would mention it (you can learn about my own websites via my Top 5 Income Streams article).

NEW VERSION OF MY SOFTWARE COMING SOON: Look for more news on my new version of my software -- version 2.55 -- which were quite excited about. It will have more bug fixes, more interface improvements, more trading bots added to it, and more brokers to work with, too. Ive also now officially added Brokerage Capital as a broker I will be using with my software.

I know some mentor members using my software have had a few bugs. This is happening because my software was never intended for public use when we designed it. It was designed specifically for my computer. As such, it never underwent beta testing, or quality control tests. Were seeing some bugs, but that is to be expected, since people using it are using it on computers with different operating systems and set-ups. Im confident the next version will fix most of those issues.

GIVEAWAY FUNDS GO TO A GOOD CAUSE: I received an inspiring photo from Manette L., who won $333 in my giveaway two months ago. She used the funds to help buy school materials for children at a Phillipines day school called San Vicente Elemenary. It makes me very happy to see the money going to something that is helping others, so I thank Manette for using the funds for that purpose! Here is the photo:

verified trader

God bless,

Roy T. @

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