Monday, April 11, 2016

Whats On My Face Daily Makeup

Everyday simple makeup, perfect for school, work, or dashing out the door

I was browsing through YouTube the other day and watching a bunch of get the look videos, Tess Christine is by far my favourite, but I usually skip over or dont pay attention much to the make up part. Not necessarily because Im not interested, just simply because I dont wear a lot and therefore dont own many products to use to get the look. To be honest its mostly because I dont have the patience to put on eye shadow and bronzer and blush and highlight - lets not even mention working with liquid eye liner!

So, today I thought Id share with you the products I use on a daily basis. Well, I say daily, but I dont tend to wear make up on the weekends unless Im doing something other than going for a walk or food shopping. Its nice to just go bare face every so often and let your skin breathe. I know theres probably some of you that are sat there thinking what?! I could never leave the house without make up on!. Trust me, I was like that about 9/10 months ago. For me, it was because I was self concious of my skin and felt uncomfortable without ,at least, foundation on. If youre interested I have a blog post already up about My Acne Story. 

I have literally stuck with these products for months now and have repurchased them countless time - that just shows how much I love them. I will point out before hand that yes I know the products look worn and thats simply because they are well used instead of just sat in a huge collection.

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer

Firstly, is the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, which I first picked up after hearing Zoella talk about how much she loved it (and still does). It is the 2nd concealer I ever bought and I havent tried any others since.

I simply apply this under my eyes, a little down and around my nose and on any patches of redness or odd spot. As this does a perfectly good job of evening out my skin, I no longer bother with foundation (which makes doing my make up a whole lot faster).

Rimmel Stay Matte Powder

Next I use Rimmels Stay Matte Powder as I tend to get quite oily throughout the day. Again I think I purchased this for the first time because Zoe or maybe Tanya Burr mentioned that its such a good product - and they where definitely right. I love it. I tend to just apply it in my t-zone and leave my cheeks - as theyre quite normal and dont get oily.

2True easy glide eyeliner and swatch

Then Ill move onto eyes and apply my 2True Easy Glide eye liner, which I picked up randomly one day. Im so glad I did because for only £2 in Superdrug, its a great little product. It goes on nicely and is pretty good at lasting throughout the day. I dont do anything too fancy with my eye liner, no wings or anything because I can never be bothered to get the looking somewhat similar, I just do a simple line on my upper lash line.

Avons colourtrend white eyeliner and swatch

As I always look tired in the mornings, I like to have my Colourtrend white eye liner to hand. A little smudge of this on the inner corner of my eyes, sometimes my lower lash line, and it instantly brightens my eyes and makes me look more awake.

Maybelline Rocket volume express mascara and wand close up
Maybelline Falsies volume express waterproof and wand close up

Lastly, Ill curl my lashes and apply one of two mascaras - either Maybelline The Rocket mascara or Maybelline Falsies Waterproof mascara. However, next time I dont think Ill pick up the waterproof falsies because the only trouble is removing it. I love both equally, but the rocket one is a little more natural and less dramatic. 

I hope you enjoyed it. Id like to know if you have any brow product recommendations, preferably things to help hold them in shape, as mine are in need of some controlling haha. 

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