Thursday, April 14, 2016

Elite Trader App REVIEW

elite trader app review

ELITE TRADER APP REVIEW - New system uses "double" trade verification

As a lot of you may know, I recently announced my skepticism about Eugene Conrads Elite Trader App. I had good reason: it appeared to me that this trading bot had copied some of the materials off of another trading bot on my Master List. I looked into and I couldnt quite tell if they had copied these materials, or if they were actually part of the same company

I ended up sending an email to Elite Trader Apps customer support (I had to ask some friends in the industry for it, since its not shown on the front of their website for some reason), and I received back a very thorough reply explaining how their company is structured and how this other part is one of their other subsidiary systems. So, that satisfied my concerns. 

After that, I signed up and made a deposit. So far, only three trades have been executed (though I wouldnt expect much with New Years day having been on Thursday). I won 2 trades and lost 1. Im pretty impressed with the overall look and feel of this system, as well as the video presentation and testimonials.

elite trader app
Photo above: the Elite Trader Apps excellent interface.

By far the most testimonials of any trading bot out there

"Elite Trader App" is unique for its many testimonials, which you can see on their main page, of countless people who have emailed them with their success. Their system is over 4 years old, so its been battled tested, and now its available for free to the public. They do a couple of things that are very unique. First, they take 5% of your profits, thats all, and there is no charge for their system. Its entirely free. So, if YOU dont make money, they do not make money. This is a really good arrangement.

Second, they use "double verification" of trades. A real, live trader verifies each trade you make, which eliminates trading errors. Very smart!  

*CLICK HERE* to go to their official site and sign up for free. 

God bless,

Roy @


Tuesday, Dec. 30th, 2014 - Roys Newsletter

Dear subscribers, friends & family,

Before the New Year begins, I wanted to get this urgent update out to everyone. There are some very important things I want to cover:

Get ready for January! GREAT conditions for making money in binary options are coming:

December was a tough month for trading, due to highly volatile market conditions.

While I did very well with my Super Signals software (over $85,000 in profits), I noticed a drop off in the amount of Super Signals I was getting half way through the month, and as a result, profits tapered off.

A lot of my individual trading accounts also suffered. This is to be expected, as December -- especially late December -- is not an ideal time to invest in the stock market, commodities, binary options or Forex. We were also hit with a huge drop in oil prices and in Russias currency, the Ruble. The U.S. Dow Jones Index was also highly volatile.

All of these factors result in more losses in binary options trading systems. Binary options trading bots operate most accurately during calmer market conditions!

The good news is that January is historically a wonderful time to invest! 

I expect an increase in my Super Signals profits in January and the coming months, and I also expect some of the trading bots on my Master List to do much better. I expect people on my newsletter who trade binary options to make money in January and for the testimonials to flood in, and I cant wait for that!

NOW is the time to sign up and start investing in binary options!

The Dow and S&P 500 should see steady gains, as the first few months of any near year are almost always "bull" market conditions (especially this year). This will benefit currency trading, as stable U.S. market conditions usually result in less volatility in the currency market -- as such, its the PERFECT time to trade binary options!

Im also watching GOLD closely. Its been in a cyclical bear market for a little over two years, and its ready for a breakout. Its the perfect time to invest in a new trading bot called "Gold Strike Trading". This is the first binary bot to focus on trading gold. I highly recommend it.

Making money is all about timing. And NOW is the time to get ready for big profits in the coming months. The early part of any year is always the best time to invest -- while October, November and December are historically the worst.

But were past the worst of it, and profits for everyones trading bots should grow. 

List of Good and Bad Brokers coming soon:

A lot of people are asking me for a list of "good brokers". I havent provided this yet, but I plan to soon. Ive asked people to simply write me an email and ask about a broker, if they are concerned. Ive also tried to let people know about the worst brokers, like UKOptions, EUOptions and TraderXP.


My $1,000 giveaway might get delayed a bit into January, but rest assured I plan to award cash to at least a few people whove written me at -- if youre struggling, I recommend sending me a message and letting me know why you need the money and what you plan to do with it. About 50 people have written me, but its worth a shot. I read every email and try to be fair and give the money to the people who deserve it the most.

My family wants me to close down my newsletter and website in the future... 

Im still getting attacked online, and harrassed by scammers in the binary options industry (click here to learn more about who they are). They really do not like me, because of what Im doing. Theyre saying all sorts of lies about me. Its very upsetting, and my family and friends are encouraging me to close down the website and Mentor Program and return to my retirement and private life.

Its something Im thinking about, because Im tired of all of the negativity, people who dont listen to me and just keep getting scammed, and people attacking me. So, I will make that decision in the coming months, whether to continue. I still plan to hold a seminar in Richmond, Virginia in 2015, so I can meet all of the people on my mentor list who Ive gotten to know and teach people in person about binary options.

My Top 5 Income Streams Revealed:

I wrote an article about six months ago talking about my various income streams, and some of you may not have seen it. While my software provides most of my income, I also have websites and a few other methods that produce passive income, too. Click "My Top 5 Income Streams Revealed" article to learn more and how you can also replicate what I do. 


Elite Trader App

100% Profit Bot (also click here for my review)

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