Saturday, April 16, 2016

New Stage Life Update

Its weird to think that in just a few days Ill be packing up the car with most of my belongings and moving just over 2 hours away from home. This time next week Ill be at university.

Growing up, I was never that interested in going to uni, I thought Id just finish college and go straight into a job or apprenticeship so that I could learn whilst doing. But, around March last year, a few months into my AS levels, I started to really enjoy learning about psychology. This then got me thinking about possibly pursuing further education to learn more about it and here I am today with only a few days left before I do pursue it.

But please, dont ask me what I want to do with life, what do I want to do after uni etc because in all honesty, I have no idea. I know that I enjoy studying the subject but have no clue where I want to go with it. Thats OK isnt it? To be honest, I dont even know where Im going with this post, I just wanted to have a bit of a ramble, chatty post. The kind of things I talk to myself about.

Currently, Im feeling a complete array of emotions. Im so frickin excited, but at the same time Im terrified. Im really happy to be moving away and meeting new people, but also sad to be leaving all my many friends (dat sarcasm,). Its weird. And, yes, I know everyone feels the same or, to put it like everyone says, everyone is in the same boat. Can I just say that saying that makes no impact on me at all, it really doesnt help ease the nerves or anything - but hey, thanks for the effort of trying.

Packed Car | Moving To Uni
Like many others, although Im looking forward to it, Im also worried about the whole meeting new people, making new friends thing. Im quite quiet. Shy. Introverted. I like having those one or two people around, you know, that certain friend or two who you, in social situations, make you feel more comfortable and you can fall back on them to have a conversation with so you dont look awkward. Ive named them the social rock friend. (Friend, you probably know who you are, if you happen to be reading this then shout out to you. Thanks for being my social rock).

However, I wont have anyone I know around which is both and good and bad thing. Its bad because there is the risk of me staying in my shell. But on the other hand, its good because Ill be forced not to rely on others in situations and be my own social rock (I just wont be able to have conversations with myself, as that would be weird whilst around new people).

So, yeah, meeting new people will be a thing, but also Ill be living with people - which I feel like will get some getting use to. Thankfully, I have a room to myself, I genuinely dont know how Id cope if I had to share with someone because I need alone time. Seriously, if I was around people almost 24/7, I think Id break after, at the very least, 3 days! 

There is only one other girl Im aware of that Ill be living with, the others either arent in the facebook group or have seen me and been like oh dear, I think Ill see if I can change flats. 

But one thing I am wondering is what the whole kitchen situation will be like. Im probably going to sound quite selfish saying this, but I can get a little possessive of any belongs - even food and drinks. And currently, Im not really feeling the whole sharing, communal living thing. Who knows, my flatmates might feel the same way, or they could want to share everything. Ill be fine! As I keep telling myself.

Of course, I have to mention that Im looking forward to focusing on just one subject that I enjoy, you know how it is blah blah blah. But I just dont know what to expect with the workload and everything. Also, not really concentrating or learning for like 3 months (I know thats nothing for those who have taken gap years) feels very odd, I feel in some sort of hovering stage. Im guessing itll take me a good few weeks to get back into the swing of things.

Okay, I think Ive rambled enough. Im just going to leave you with a nice cheesy quote about new beginnings. 

New beginnings quote - Let yourself move to the next chapter in life when the time comes. Dont remain stuck on the same page.

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