Thursday, March 24, 2016

Gratitude The Science Of Happiness

Gratitude is the best attitude
Picture from here
The other day, my mum emailed me this video to watch, because thats how we communicate (Im joking, but were constantly sending links to videos, recipes and clothes I would like haha). I found it really interesting and thought Id share it with you, if you havent seen it already. 

It has been found that one of the greatest influencing factors for our happiness, is how much gratitude we show. But do we really show how grateful we are as much as we think we do? Of course saying thank you in situations shows gratitude. But do we do that without thinking - simply because we have been brought up with the idea of manners. I, personally, do this. The words will just slip out of my mouth without giving it a second thought. Im in no way saying that this is wrong - because having manners is important. But what I am saying, along the terms of this video, is if we begin to take it a step further, past just showing gratitude through manners, we could feel happier. 

I did a little reading on gratitude and what it actually is. I came across Robert Emmons who I think is quite a big guy in the scientific world of gratitude. He basically says that gratitude is being thankful for the good things that come our way and realizing that these big or small gifts of goodness come from those around us. Not only does it make us appreciate things but inspires us to return them. If you want to read more about this Ill link the website here, there are some interesting videos to watch within the article too.

I probably wouldnt have written a post around this topic a few weeks ago, even if it does interest me a lot, as I hadnt tested it out. However, at the beginning of this year, before Id read up on any of this, I decided I was going to write in a little notebook at the end of each day. Not in the style of Dear Diary, but simply writing at least one sentence mentioning something during the day that made me smile, laugh or something Im thankful for. So basically, its like a diary of gratitude. Trust me when I say that I have seen quite a change in my outlook! Yes, I still have my moments or even days where I feel down and things get to me, thats just part of life. But I now find myself searching throughout each day for positive things, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. Yes, there are days where it is a bit more difficult, but there is always something. Maybe at the end of the year, when I read through the book, Ill test out this experiment and tell any people I mention within the diary.

It would be great if you reading this right now, could grab a pen and paper and write down something that youre grateful for today - it could be absolutely anything small or big. I would love to read some of them in the comments as well, if you would like to share it. And finally, Id just like to say Im grateful for you reading this. I dont care I dont have hundreds of readers because its lovely to just be able to write and have someone read, kind of like a nice friendly chat. Thank you! 

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