Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wazzub the worlds first profit sharing phenomenon, Some people might say that WAZZUB is just another business opportunity but they are wrong: WAZZUB is very special!It is a real advantage for every user to join WAZZUB and to invite others to do so, too. It’s a fact: companies like Google or Facebook earn billions of $$ every quarter just because we, the Internet users use their services.It is time to understand, that we “the users” decide who is earning the big money.

Here are the 7 most important reasons why:

1 No Matrix = No Limits

Most business opportunities are connected to a fixed matrix. But there is one huge disadvantage that nobody tells you about:
a matrix means limitation! For example, in a 3 x 5 matrix, your downline is limited to 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 243 members.

At WAZZUB, there are no limitations. You can invite as many members as you like.

2. No “Jobs” to Do

In other business opportunities, you have to fulfill certain regular duties to remain “qualified”;
e.g., click certain links/complete forms/ review websites/do some daily surfing/a multiple number of “required” activities!

At WAZZUB, just set up WAZZUB as your homepage after pre-launch – and you are done!

3. No Downloads

First they say you just have to sign up; then they tell you that you have to download their app, their toolbar, their software, whatever.
Sometimes this is an attempt to get malware or spyware on to your PC.

At WAZZUB there are no downloads.

4. No Activity

In most other businesses you have to stay “active” to receive money, even after you have already built a huge downline.

At WAZZUB, we will pay you for your lifetime based on the downline that you created during pre-launch.
After we close pre-launch on April 9, 2012, you will keep your $FACTOR forever – guaranteed!

5 No Fees Means No Fees - Ever

Have you ever joined a business that stated to be free,
but right after you joined they told you that you have to pay a one-time or a monthly fee to participate?

Not at WAZZUB - WAZZUB stays free forever.

6 No Fake Business

Some businesses are only about members paying each other with a “fake” product like a video course or an eBook.

At WAZZUB we do real business creating the “perfect Internet” for all members,
displaying ads, offering services and promoting special offers; there are no requirements to buy or sell anything.

7 No Pyramid

Most online businesses are structured like a pyramid. On top you can find a few people who make a lot of money
but most of the members earn “peanuts” or even nothing.

At WAZZUB, all members are building the business together; that is what we call THE POWER OF “WE”!

After pre-launch, every pre-launch member receives his share from all profits at WAZZUB, not only from his downline.
The more users we attract, the more profit will be there to share.

The more free members you invite during pre-launch, the higher your personal $FACTOR will grow.


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