Monday, March 21, 2016

valforex scam

Most binary options "reviewers" are connected to bad brokers or scams.

Learn about the Internets #1 biggest scammers

It breaks my heart every week to get emails from people who visit a lot of these fake "review" sites - like Nancy, Ive Tried (he never tries anything he reviews), One More Cup Of, Valforex, Dale Rodgers,, John Anthonys nonsense and many other big "binary" review sites out there - they believe the lies these sites post!

Something to keep in mind is that many of these sites are run by the same people. They are run by bad brokers, and they use multiple different cover "names", identities and site designs to make you think they are all different and unique. They are not!

Some of these people are also behind the horrible, vicious attacks against me. They have repeatedly attacked and hacked my site, and they have succeeded in causing my site to be removed from Google search rankings.

One website even went so far to claim the many supportive comments I have received on are fake because the names all sound "weird" and "foreign". What a horrible thing to say! Many people who leave comments are from countries all over the world, so of course there is a variety of different names!

Now, I want to explain to people who is really behind these sites and YouTube channels, and how these very convincing liars really work:

How Scammers Work 101: 

One of the biggest and more notorious scammers is Chris Pires, on YouTube (he also runs at least three other "watchdog" review websites, all under fake names). 

Lets take a look at how Chris scams people:

Here we go to ""...

Lets see what Chris wants from us...

Scammers like Chris are notorious for calling everyone and everything a "scam". 

He wants you to think everyone is a scammer and every product is a scam, except himself! They all do this! And I dont trust any of them.

They have a strong incentive to trash every competing product, and they do just that. Of course, they dont actually test any of them (about the only one who does is Keith over at OptionXpert, one of the FEW people I trust!).

I wanted to explain all this in more detail, because I still receive emails from people who sadly believe in scammers like Chris and terrible sites like IveTriedThat. 

So many people are being fooled by these terrible people on YouTube and other fake "review" sites!

Please, PLEASE be careful and STOP visiting these phony sites and believing their nonsense!

Even *I* have visited some of these fakes sites without even realizing they were scammers!

You really have to be careful!

I had to do some investigation just to find out what they were up to!

A lot of them use multiple fake names and fake accounts! Dale Rodgers, for example, is another phony who rakes in millions of dollars through his slick, convincing scams. His site is very slick and shiny, so people fall for it.

These people are so diabolical and out of control, you have to be careful about every site you visit about binary options, because these fake "reviewers" have completely infected the industry.

It is my theory they are paid very well by the bad brokers to work tirelessly to fool people. They also make very good money selling their own worthless products and STEALING peoples email addresses and re-selling them!

Stealing emails is a very big business, and if they can get your email, they will re-sell it!
I NEVER DO THAT. I protect my email subscribers and I NEVER put ads in my newsletters or sell my emails to other people.

And again, some binary options products are huge scams. I expose them all the time, such as Robert Allens ridiculous "Cash Code" scam or the terrible binary investment Ponzi schemes like Option Rider that I have exposed over and over.

However, not all of them are scams, in my opinion. I test and try them out. And some are pretty good, and some have even made people money.

Thats the difference between me and the rest of these "reviewers": I actually try these products and test them! They dont!

Not a single person I know of actually makes deposits, tests and tries these products out! Not a single one!

They put up short, mean-spirited, nasty reviews on YouTube, they declare everything a "scam", they make up fake "evidence" against the product with Photoshop, then they tell you to sign up for their own scam product.

Im all for people reviewing products. Im all for exposing scams! But please test it first! Please make an effort. These guys dont do that!

What you can do is educate yourself and avoid them by reading the material above, and staying away from their sites.

Be very wary and suspicious of "review" or "watchdog" sites, because most are "fronts" or operations for a scam. Many have advertisements on their sites, too, which is another "red flag". I dont use any flashy ads on my sites, for example. I dont believe in doing that.

I also recommend my video on this subject as well:

God bless,

Roy @ (with the help of my webmaster, Jim)

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