Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Little Message Being The Best At Everything

So the other day in my English lesson, we where discussing the topic of knowledge and wisdom. What are they? Is one better or more important than the other? Which one would you rather have? As a class we kind of came to the conclusion that they bounce off each other. To be wise you need to have knowledge and gain experience so that you can approach things and having wisdom allows you to make judgement on the knowledge youve learnt.

We talked about the fact that a lot of people dont have a perfect balance between the two, and therefore lacked a quality of the other. For example you may get someone who is very knowledgeable and can list off fact after fact but put them in a situation where they have to use it, like teaching it to a class, and they may not perform to as high a standard as you thought - because they lack the experience. Whereas, someone who may have less knowledge but has delved into what they know and been in a teaching situation before, may be able to deliver the class better but without an abundance of facts.

Contentment consist not in adding more fuel, but in taking away some fire. - Thomas fuller quote

When I came away from the lesson, I realised that it fits in with a little message I always tell my brother. Some days, my youngest brother will come home from school and will tell me about little bits of his day such-a-body read really well today or such-a-body answered almost all the questions in science today. As with practically everyone, when he sees people around him doing better than him on certain things, it gets to him. Hes 8. Hes already comparing himself to those around him. Thats not how it should be.

But then there will be days he comes home with a big smile on his face to tell us I did really well on the maths test, I got a better mark than such-a-body. I always turn to him and, after saying well done, explain to him that everybody is going to be better than someone at something and worse at something compared to someone else. If everyone all had a nice balance between every single skill and quality out there where would we be? Would there be a lack of competition to better ourselves? Would we be so technologically or medically advanced? Would there be constant uproar? 

In my opinion, I think everyones skills and qualities balance out. Using my brother as an example, he is better at maths than English, but the kid he mentioned who is really good at English may not be so good a maths. Personally, my spelling skills arent that good, but Im not so bad at drawing graphs. Even Albert Einstein had his balance, as we all know he was a genius but as a child he was a slow learner. 

Its like a weighing scales. If you have too many good/bad skills or qualities, there is an imbalance. Like I said, I think everyone balances out, so instead of looking like this ...

Weighing scales of skills and qualities; showing an imbalance. Technology,organized, football,maths,stressed. Music, presentations, english

 I think its more like this ...

Weighing scales showing a balance between stronger and weaker skills and qualities

So, it doesnt matter if we arent the best at everything we do. As long as we put effort in a give it a go - thats the important thing. 

Id love to know what you think about this idea. Do you have any little messages about the topic?

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